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Positive exhibitor feedback
Exposure is the most important thing that we got, as well as interaction with important clients
We had a good show and we’re hoping to turn all the quotes into sales.
The show was brilliant and the organisation was also quite good – there was no problem, I spoke to new people along with some sign companies and I got good leads.
I was very impressed with what the organisers did and how the event was marketed
The show was good. We had some good people coming in.
We’ve seen a lot of potential clients and there was really good interest at the show – people wanting to expand their businesses by buying new products.
There were lots of new faces – not the regular customers you’re used to seeing. The first and last day of the event were very, very good.
The show was very good and very successful – there were high quality customers and there are a lot of new businesses coming up – people who have lost their jobs through Covid are making a plan and being entrepreneurial, so they are all buying and looking around.
I’m very impressed with the size of the show and the amount of people. I did not expect it to be this busy and I also did not expect there to be as many serious buyers as there were, so all in all it’s more impressive than what I was expecting.
Lots of new and potential customers came through, so we’re very grateful.
It was quite a successful show – we achieved what we wanted to. The biggest thing was getting the exposure that we were after, which is really critical. We had some really cool customers and some important clients that came through and we generated some nice leads. We introduced our new flagship product to the public for the first time and we are really looking forward to the expo in September.
We had a lot of quality leads, a lot of equipment enquiries and a lot of start-ups coming through. You see people that have been retrenched trying to start new businesses, so we saw a lot of that, and it was busier than we thought at times. It was a good show.
On a whole it was very, very successful three days. We probably had in excess of 150 qualified leads at the show and the potential of 5 to 10 machines that we are negotiating at the moment, so it was very, very positive.
The show was successful and we really enjoyed it.
We were pleasantly surprised regarding how many people actually visited the show and the interest in the specific machines. We were concerned to a certain extent about the influence Covid would have had, but so far – we will see with the sales – the interest was been fairly high.
Initially we were a little concerned about attending the show due to Covid. It has been an incredibly good show and we’ve had an incredible amount of visitor interest. It’s been a great opportunity for us to showcase our full offering, whereas historically we showcase our wide format division. We had the opportunity and that has proved very fruitful for us. I’m quite exited about the leads that we’ve generated and the potential sales that will come from them.
It all went well. It was a very nice exhibition and we got a couple of good leads.
The show was good and that the company got to see some old clients.
It was more than great.
For further information contact
Dyelan Copeland
T: +27 11 568 1894
M: +27 83 300 3509
Exhibitor Profile
• Wide Format Printing Machines
• Flat Bed Printing Machines
• Digital Signage Suppliers
• Laser cutting, Routing &
Engraving Machines
• Laminating & Finishing Equipment
• Textile Printing Equipment
• Vinyls and Substrates
• 3D Printing Equipment & Services
• Colour Management Professionals
• LED’s and Neon
• T-Shirt Printing Machines
& Equipment
• Signage Systems
• Directional Signage
• Screen & Pad Printing Equipment
• Software
• Banners, Gazebos, Pop-ups, Flags
• Point of Sale Branding
• Branding Systems
• Signage – Vehicle Wraps
• Visual Communication Branding
The Sign Africa expo is an opportunity to connect with quality visitors and serious buyers as well as showcase your latest, cutting-edge technology. Visitors are looking to interact with product and industry experts such as yourselves on how to best meet their customers’ demands and remain competitive.